School Administrator Management

School administrator accounts are inseparable from the school to which they are attributed, and they can only manage that school’s accounts and settings. Only the super administrator can manage this account type.

Adding a School Administrator

The super administrator has the option of delegating the management of each school to one or more school administrators.

Note — School administrator accounts can only be assigned to manage a single school.

School administrators can be added in two ways:

Manual addition

Click the School administrators tab in the Subscription level of the management interface, then click the Add school administrator button and fill in the required fields.

You can also create a school administrator account when adding a school manually; check off the box Add an administrator to this school and fill in the required fields.

File import

Import an Excel or CSV file containing all required information for the school administrators you want to add.

Editing or Deleting a School Administrator Account

School administrator accounts can be edited or deleted from the management interface for the subscription or for the school to which they were assigned.

At the subscription level:

  • Click the School administrators tab.
  • Tick the checkbox next to the school administrator’s name.
  • Click the More button and select either Edit or Delete from the drop-down menu.

Note — While you can delete multiple accounts at once, you can only edit one school administrator’s information at a time.

At the school level:

  • In the Information panel of the school, click the action button that appears when you hover the cursor beside the school administrator’s name.
  • Select Change school administrator from the drop-down menu to change that school administrator’s profile information; or
  • Select Delete school administrator from the menu to delete their account entirely.

Warning — If a school administrator deletes their account information or replaces it with someone else’s and saves the change, they will lose access to Typing Pal when the current session ends.