Activity Log
Monitor your progress and assess your performance using your Activity log, which you can access from the Results tab.

Your average is calculated according to the three following filters:
- Latest result : stats are based on the latest result for each selected activity. All other results for that activity are ignored.
- Best result : stats are based on the fastest result for each selected activity. If two results for a single activity have the same speed, the more accurate result is used. If two results for a single activity have the same speed and accuracy, the most recent result is used.
- All results : stats are based on all results for each selected activity.

Data Selection
Filter your activities by checking or unchecking the boxes Exercises, Tests, Texts, Word Waves, Improvement and Games, and by choosing from the drop-down menu whether to show all exercises, including those you have not completed, or to show only completed exercises. By selecting a date range from the calendar menu, you can also filter activities by date.
Suggestion — To best assess your performance level, filter your results by selecting texts only. Since these are actual texts, they will be more representative of real-life performance.
If you are supervising other users, you can also choose to view their results by selecting their name.
Video Replay
Speed and accuracy are an indication of skill level, but these statistics don’t always show much nuance. Use the video replays in your Activity log to enrich your assessment. Just click on the video icon to the right of any activity listed.