Training Plan

Get a clear picture of your goals and the time it will take to reach them by setting up a training plan.

Winning Recipe

  • Turn Typing Pal into a game ! — Each Typing Pal practice session is a chance to improve while having fun. It’s a huge thrill when your fingers fly to the correct keys every time and you beat your high score. Maintaining this enthusiasm is key to sticking with it and succeeding.
  • Plan on short sessions or take breaks — If you force yourself into long, non-stop practice sessions, you’ll only get tired and discouraged. Build breaks into your training plan or schedule shorter sessions. You can always gradually extend them if you find you’re able to maintain your engagement and concentration.
  • Plan on frequent sessions — You’ll progress quicker if you practice frequently.
  • Don't stop training too soon — Even if you’ve reached your goals, it’s too soon to stop. It takes time to fully integrate proper typing technique. Bad habits will start creeping in if you stop too soon. If you finish your training plan, why not set a higher goal and push the envelope?

First Lesson

  1. Learn the 7 keys to success — Watch the video on the 7 keys to success to learn the basic principles of good typing technique.
  2. Determine your level — Do the initial test. It will give you an idea of your initial level and help you gauge your progress by comparing it to your final test result.
  3. Do a few activities — Complete the exercises of the first step.
  4. Adjust your goals — Take the time to analyze your results, assess your level, and use this information to Adjust your targets accordingly.

Long-Term Planning

  • We suggest that you allow for about one hour of practice per week, split into three or four sessions. Obviously, if you practice every day, you’ll learn even faster.
  • We also recommend that you redo previously completed activities, concentrating on accuracy, to turn all your icons gold. When you complete an activity without any errors, you reinforce your fingers’ muscle-memory and build on what you have already learned.
  • At the end of each step, take the time to complete the improvement activities to improve your accuracy or speed for the characters that give you the most trouble.
  • Once you have learned the basic characters, practice typing real texts to get an authentic touch-typing experience. This will give you a better idea of your skill level.
  • When you have completed all the activities, set higher goals for speed (+15 wds/min or +75 char/min) or accuracy (95%). This will allow you to become an impressively efficient touch typist. Imagine being able to type a 350-word text in under 5 minutes!